Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Our Weekend...

This weekend was all about celebrations…Mr O was a Godparent at a Christening and on Sunday we had a belated Birthday lunch to celebrate my Dad and Brother's Birthdays.

Our Weekend
the reflection of the stained glass window on the wall was beautiful
Our Weekend

Our Weekend

Our Weekend

Our Weekend
Our Weekend
Our Weekend
Our Weekend
showing off those walking skills
Our Weekend

Our Weekend
we popped to ikea on the way home and I left these two in the car!

Our Weekend
Our Weekend
we took advantage of the gorgeous weather on Sunday and had a walk on the beach...
Our Weekend
kicking back at lunch...
Our Weekend
i love the bond between my son and my dad
Our Weekend
and with Granny

Please excuse the wonky colours on some of the photos…I'm still getting to grips with our DSLR!


  1. So gorgeous, I love his little pullover and his brown shoes- what a trendy little dude. Looks like a great weekend. xx

    1. Thanks Katie, it was a great weekend. The little shoes are by an amazing British brand Amy and Ivor, set up and run by a Super Mum!



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