Sunday, 26 October 2014

6 Month Update...

I know I was crazy late posting the little dude's 5 month update, but seriously it feels like yesterday and now here I am typing the words 6 months…HALF A YEAR!

6 Months

6 Months

This month has been a month of highs and lows.  I'll get the low out of the way first so we can focus on the positives.

The weekend before last we ended up in hospital with the little dude being diagnosed with meningitis.  The only other time I have felt fear like it was when he was whisked away in an incubator after he was born.  Whilst it was incredibly scary we are definitely some of the lucky ones.  It was caught early, we had an amazing medical team around us and thankfully turned out to be viral rather than bacterial.  Once I have had a chance to process what has happened I will write more on the experience as I have become rather passionate about raising awareness of the signs and the team we had looking after us deserve recognition.

6 Months

6 Months

Now on to the fun stuff!

First up the little dude found his feet!  It's so funny to watch him discover his own body.  After discovering his feet he has spent the rest of the month trying to get them into his mouth.  Which is pretty much where everything ends up at the moment!

6 Months

We've also been hearing his first proper belly laughs…we've had lots of giggles over the past months, but these are real hearty laughs.   One of the easiest ways to get a proper laugh is to tickle the little dude…feet, arms, tummy, neck it doesn't seem to matter where he is one ticklish little dude!

Before our hospital drama we had almost managed sleeping through, but this is well and truly out of the window for now.  Once the little dude is back to full health we'll start working on that again.  On the flip side he doesn't seem to have any interest in his dummy since we've been back home so hopefully we can ditch that for good.

The little dude is really starting to play properly…his favourite toys at his toy phone (which has saved my phone from becoming a very expensive teething toy!), his dinosaur, his caterpillar, building blocks and any soft book.

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

The biggest event this month though would have to be weaning.  We're following the baby lead weaning route which the little dude seems to be enjoying.  The very first food we tried him of was broccoli and green beans…

6 Months

We love you more and more everyday little dude x

6 Months

Monday, 6 October 2014

Me and Mine: A Family Portrait Project - September

I am ashamed to say that even though I took hundreds of photos throughout September there are only two with all three of us in and both taken on the same day by my parents.

Last weekend we left the little dude for the first time overnight (not on his own of course, Granny and Grandad were left in charge!) the first photo was taken not long after we were all reunited...

Me and Mine September
Yes I did drag a very hungover Mr O out of bed at 8.30 as I missed the little dude so much!

This picture was taken at lunch where the little dude would have happily tucked into my roast if he had the chance…he had to settle for giraffe!  Look out for adventures in weaning soon.

Me and Mine September

Whilst we may not look our best, I love the moments they have captured.  Next month I will attempt to be more organised though!

Friday, 3 October 2014

5 Month Update...

I am super late with this months update…I know I have said it before, but I really don't know where the days go.  This is even more true now with the little dude being more active and sleeping less during the day…that said the last month has been one of my favourites so far.  Watching the little dude change and develop new skills everyday is such a privilege.

5 Months

This month saw our first roll, which we all got a little over excited about as they have been few and far between since then.  I get the feeling he has shown us he can do it and therefore 'ticked the box' and is now ready to move on to other more interesting things!  One of those things being sitting!  We had a pretty difficult week towards the end of the month, where he seemed very out of sorts and I couldn't work out why and to be honest put it down to teething…but we were soon shown why, the little dude no longer wanted to lie down as he could sit unaided.  The first few days were a little wobbly, but after some practise he is now a champion sitter!  

5 Months

Coupled with the move to siting seems to be developing preference for sleeping on his side.  Both Mr O and I sleep on our sides so I suppose it is only to be expected, but it is a little funny seeing him smoosh his face into the side of the buggy or car seat when he's tired!  

5 Months 

We also had our last lot of jabs this month and I couldn't have been more proud of how the little dude dealt with them.  He had to have one in each leg and for the first one he just did a funny fake cry (also a new development) and then giggle and for the second one he cried for about 10 seconds and then promptly feel asleep…can't ask for better than that.

5 Months

In terms on routine things are still pretty much the same…feeding every 3 or so hours, although in the night this is starting to stretch (hooray!), 3ish naps a day (the 11.30 nap gets dropped every now and then), bath time is tending to be a little earlier and we put him straight to bed now rather than bringing him back into the living room with us which is much better for everyone.

5 Months 

One of my favourite things this month though has to be all the crazy faces that have been pulled…lots of poking out of the tongue (and of course raspberries), sucking of top or bottom lips and one I like to call the frog!

5 Months

5 months is a great age…can't wait to see what next month brings!

5 Months

We love you more and more everyday little dude x


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