Thursday, 22 January 2015

Babies in boxes...

Did you see this article that has been doing the rounds on social media?

Baby In A Box
source BBC

Every expectant mother in Finland is given a box that contains a 'starter' kit for their baby from the government.  The box can even be used as a bed for the newborn.  I found it really interesting how the contents of the box has changed over the years and has helped to promote breastfeeding, safe sleeping and environmentalism.

Such a lovely idea.

The little dude is also a fan of boxes…

Baby In A Box 

Baby In A Box 

Baby In A Box 

Baby In A Box

Thursday, 15 January 2015

2015…One Word...

This year I have decided to do away with resolutions and instead pick one word to reflect upon over the course of the year instead.  I had had one word swirling around in my head for the latter part of last year, but I didn't really know what to do with it, but then listening to an episode of the Lively Show (if you haven't checked out Jess Lively's podcasts yet…do it…do it now!) Jess mentioned Ali Edwards and her 'One Little Word' project and just like that my word found a meaning.

So my word for 2015…


This little word I hope is going to help me in so many areas of my life.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Me and Mine: A Family Portrait Project - December (and festive round up!)

I took a bit of an unintentional break from blogging over the Christmas period, but I am back and want to capture the little dudes first Christmas before the end of January!  This is a bit of a back to front post as I am starting with Christmas day and working backwards!

We had a lovely Christmas morning just the three of us.  We were all wearing matching pjs (cheesy I know) as we snuggled on the bed opening our stockings.

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

We then moved into the living room for chocolate panettone and present opening.

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

After a lazy morning we then packed ourselves up and headed off to my parents for more presents and lunch...

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014
…the little dude was a fan of Christmas lunch!

Christmas 2014
...bathtime at Granny and Grandads is so much more fun!

Christmas 2014
…pretty tree lights

On Christmas Eve like many other families we headed outside at 5.22 to see if we could see Santa flying overhead…and we did!  The little dude might be too young to know what is going on, but the other kids from our building still had fun explaining that Santa would be visiting him tonight!

The weekend before Christmas we took the little dude to meet Santa in person at Battersea Children's Zoo.  After an initial panic he seemed to relax, especially once he received his gift…a ring tailed lemur!  Said lemur has not left his side since.

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014
…first time on a swing…he LOVED it!

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014
…checking out the meerkats

It really was the perfect family Christmas season, continuing traditions from both Mr O and my childhoods and creating some new ones of our own…now heres to all the fun 2015 is set to bring.


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