…what a week!
The past 7 days have been off the chart crazy. My parents exchanged on their house and found out they are completing next week which gives us one weekend (yes, ONE!) to get about 6 people and 37 years worth of stuff into storage, I finished work for a whole year, I had my first really though day of pregnancy, my Sister and best friend threw me the best baby shower and we had a tour around the birth centre, which if all stays on track is where Baby O will be born…so, not much happened really(!), but in case you are interested lets break it down a bit.
…selling houses…
Whilst my siblings and I have all long since moved out of the family home we were very lucky as children to never moved houses and have enjoyed having the certainty of knowing we had something solid to return to, whether to celebrate happy occasions together or to use as a sanctuary during tough times. When my parents decided a few years back that they wanted to retire to Poole (Dorset) a few years back we all new the day when our family home would no longer be ours, but adopted the ostrich stance apart from during the last couple of Christmases it was mentioned that this could be our last here, which inevitable led to some tears around the table. The house had been on the market for over a year when a positive offer was made and now it feels like everything is moving in double time. The whole family will unite this weekend to pack up our home and we will wave goodbye to our parents standing in the driveway one last time (the exact same spot they waved goodbye at us from the first time we walked to school on our own, went to a school disco, took our first solo drive after passing our tests and harding off to university. I am so happy they are finally able to settle properly in Poole and enjoy they're retirement, but I am really going to miss that place!
…last day and feeling rotten…
Friday was my last day at work and I don't think it has sunk in yet that I have a whole YEAR off! Yes, I know it is not going to be a holiday with a new born, but it will be a different kind of work. I have worked for the same company for 10 years and now is the perfect time for a bit of a break. I love my job, but it can be all consuming at times. It will be good for me to have some time to re-evaluate and re-prioritise. Friday was also the toughest day of my pregnancy so far and yes it may well be connected to the emotional turmoil of handing over my job that I have worked so hard at to someone else. I woke up just feeling a little odd, but this progressed to feeling awful by the evening. I did a couple of times think, eek is this it? And then eek, if its not can I cope when it is? Because I was not coping well that evening, NOTHING I did offered any comfort…not the two baths I had, not the hot water bottle Mr O made, not bouncing on my exercise ball, not walking, not lying down…nothing! I wanted my sister that I may have to cancel my baby shower the next day. Good news is though when I finally managed to get some sleep I woke up on Saturday morning totally fine. Who knows what it was, but it made me so grateful for how well my pregnancy and Baby O have treated me so far.
…baby shower…
My sister and best friend excelled themselves. I had no idea what the plan was for the afternoon on Saturday, so when they arrived in the morning laden with bags I was more than a little intrigued! As you can see form the pictures they decorated the flat beautifully with a star theme (a theme we hope to carry through to Baby O's nursery once we have one!) We also played a Mr and Mrs style game and everyone had to guess name, birth date and weight on the leaves of a beanstalk. Everyone then went home with a pot jelly beans from Bean and some M&Ms as a thank you. In case you are wondering why the bean references Bean is the nickname we have for Baby O. Baby O and I were incredibly spoilt with a huge number of truly lovely and utterly unexpected gifts. I really do have the best family and friends!
…birth centre…
Its all getting a bit real now! Last night we popped along to the birth prep class at the Queen Charlottes birth centre (BC) where one of the lovely midwives took us through what giving birth in the BC is like as opposed to the labour ward. The BC had always been my preference and after hearing from the midwife yesterday and having a look at the rooms available in the BC it has just confirmed my want to deliver Baby O there. The atmosphere is so calm and supportive, they offer one to one care and Mr O will be able to stay overnight with Baby O and me once he is delivered. While writing this post it has just hit me that we will, if all goes to plan, meet our little boy in one of those rooms we visited last night!!!
Long post, but last week was a biggie!