Firstly the September issue of French Vogue which came with an exclusive Vogue's Fashion Night Out t-shirt. Fashion night out is September 8th this year. I'll be away in sunny Tenerife otherwise I would be there with bells on!
He also brought me back the gorgeous smelling L'Occitane Cherry Blossom bath & shower gel
Guess I better get a French-English dictionary so I can read the mag in the bath!
On top of these wonderful gifts I was also lucky enough to be taken to lunch at The River Cafeyesterday. I have been a couple of times before and it is a real treat...the food is always perfect. Yesterday I started with a buffalo mozzarella starter, followed by the most divine salmon with courgette fritti. By this point I was close t bursting, but you cannot go to River Cafe and not have their chocolate nemesis...even if you only have a bite!
A yummy lunch plus pressies from the boy plus the sun making an appearance equals a pretty perfect day!
I'm Stephanie…a 35 year old first time mum living in London. I'm married to the wonderful Mr O and our gorgeous little boy was a honeymoon gift, Flat 102 is a blog about is about all the things I love and my experiences as a newlywed and new mummy.
You can also visit my shop at www.etsy.com/shop/flat102
I hope you like what you see...